Call or email us for Exact rates.
Rates will change depending on dog size and services needed.
Pricing Ranges are listed below.
Phone Number: (614) - 414 - 7270
E-Mail: Contact@ShampoochGahanna.com
Dog GroominG
Puppy: 35.00
XS Dog: $50.00 (Tea Cups etc.)
Small Dog: $55.00 - $60.00
Medium Dog: $65.00 - $80.00
Large Dog: $85.00 - $95.00
XL Dog: $100+
Grooming Add-ons
Anal Gland Expression: $10.00
De-matting Brush Out: $10.00 - $20.00
De-Shedding Treatment: $15.00
De-Skunking Treatment: $10.00 - $25.00
Ear Cleaning: $12.00
Hair Dye: $15.00-$30.00
Nail Grind a la carte: $10.00
Nail Trim and File: $10.00
Sanitary Trim: $7.00
Special Shampoo: $8.00
Teeth Brushing: $8.00
Buckeye Pet Package: $20.00